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W.o.W! There's More Coming!


Bring on the Werewolves of the Cataclysm

I recently took my turn in previewing the upcoming Worgen race which is part of the WoW Cataclysm expansion.  These are certainly beastly characters that hold a load of power behind their lengthy arms and hunched posture.  Before we get into the race specifically, lets get into the lore.  The storyline behind the Worgen Race tells us of a condemned breed that had been enslaved to fight in the 3rd War by archmage Arugal to beat back the previous Scourge in an ongoing battle.  worgen

Eventually realizing that they could play a more vitally independent role in the World of Warcraft saga, the Worgen then developed somewhat of a revolution against their captors.  They quickly populated the land by doing what werewolves do best, infecting humans with their contaminated blood and spreading the curse of the Worgen.

One of the cool features of the Worgen is that players can basically shapeship between the two forms, human and werewolf so you can blend in nicely when needed.  This I guess would come in handy on a blind date…lol, ok enough lame jokes.  Since these characters are in fact human, they will be playable by those on the Alliance side, goblins of course would be Horde.  This will give help to the Alliance on the servers that are getting p'owned by Dastardly Horde because in my opinion, it is a class with a larger draw than the just Goblins.

Worgen FemaleThe overall appeal is that there were no groundbreaking features that jumped out at me right away but they are fun to control and have been given a great starting map, and a bonus of being able to customize both your Human and Wargen form.   Quests are fairly simple to complete, with the first ones literally taking less than a few minutes to finish.  So what are the Worgen skills? They are the same skills as any other race in the opposing factions.  These werewolves are mainly introduced by Cataclysm to bring in fresh storyline and new regions to add to the existing gameplay taking in another deep breath as you play more and so on. Blizzard does not want to upset the balance of a completely new class just yet just because they are still very much trying to balance out the Lich King expansion problems that had been created by the Death Knight Hero Class Features.

My Worgen started out as level 6 in DuskHaven, a small and dark little village located in the Gilneas starter zone.  To the east is the King and Queens Wall that is pretty much free of mobs, and Greymane Manor.  Worgen will be able to be played in all classes except Shaman and Paladin, which is good for me and my Warlock ways.   There was hope back in the Cataclysm rumor period of Worgen that they would have a completely different skill list, but they are still going to be a fun race to reroll and play yet again thus adding more to the overall world of warcraft experience for old and new players to enjoy alike.

We'll have more to come on this exciting expansion as soon as we find out more...So stay Tuned in...

Category: PC | Added by: GameStorm (2009-10-13)
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