Main » 2009»December»15 » PRINCE of PERSIA MOVIE + NEW GAME Comming in 2010!
2:43 AM
PRINCE of PERSIA MOVIE + NEW GAME Comming in 2010!
MoYep, It's true as stated in Saturday December 10th's 2009 Video Game Awards on SpikeTV announced and unveiled Sony's Bought-out Rights to yet another Killer Movie based off of a widely known video game series.....' Prince of Persia: the sands of time '. On top of this also there was announced a NEW GAME: 'Prince of Persia: the forgotten sands' that is said to be released around the same time. Are they some how related we do not yet know but we do wonder about it...
WATCH THE TRAILER NOW(click on the Newz Title for a bigger trailer player):